Senin, 28 September 2015

Asset-Based Community Development

(Rifkha Zulfani 155040100111015)
Buildding on a community ‘s assets rather than focusing on its needs for future development is the basic approach of asset-based community development. And more focusing on successes and small triumphs and on a sustainable approach  to development.
Chapter 1 focused on the definition and overall scope of community development, its relationship economic development, and discusses community development from perspective of concentrating and discusses community development from the perspective of concentrating.
Definitions of community development
Definitionofcommunity developmentcan be summedintoaneffortto concentrateon the creation ofa profitableassetfor the communityespeciallyin poor neighborhoodsin order toimprove thequality of life.
Critical components of these definitions include:
a.       A place-based focus
b.      The building up or creation of assets
c.       The improvement of quality life
Also stated in the above definitions of community development are the following aspects:
a.       Financial, economic, environmental, and social sustainability.
b.      The approach, whileuniversally applicable, it particulary relevant to non-wealthy communities

(Andri Saputro 155040100111016)
Community Driven Development Needs
                Two main methods of approaching the development of society. conventional or traditional approach is to identify issues, problems, and needs of the community. Such as poverty or unemployment is a problem to big for one community to solve by itself.

Asset-Based Community Development
                Alternative approach is an asset-based community development. the idea is to build capacity in the community - to build and strengthen community assets. The asset-based approach focused on community capacity rather than on the deficit.
Definitions Asset
                Assets is useful or valuable quality, person or thing, profit or resources. so that individuals, associations, local agencies, and organizations that are useful and valuable in terms of asset-based community development.
(Slamet Raharjo Saputra 155040100111017)
Assets Defined
In a community there could be the most important asset of capital assets such as property, stocks and bonds and cash. ferguson and the devil (1999) speaks of the five forms of public capital: physical. human. , Social, financial and political. While there can be a debate about the shape and form of public capital Wich is more important than the other, an important point here is that the community can identify its own assets - their own capital. For the purpose of this chapter types of physical capital, human and social will be defined and discussed. Physical capital consists of roads, buildings, infrastructure and natural resources in the community. Another quality of physical capital is the level of both public and private investment - public investment in infrastructure (sewers in the street) and private investment in structures (residential commercial and industrial). Human capital is defined as the ability to achieve and the talent and knowledge of community members. In contrast to physical capital, human capital is the cellular movement and our communities from time to time so that human capital can be changed.
In the context of the development of society the importance of social relationships is essential to mobilize citizens and often is an important component for the success of a project or program.
In adition social capital can be divided into various forms such as financial and cultural politics
(Tiurmaulina br Sianturi 155040100111018)
Community Organizing
Focuses  on mobilizing people within a specific neighbourhood or community. Community organizing does not need to be conceived of ask a task for getting everyone in a community mobilized for doing something.there are two strategis for mobilizing residents: social action and the development model. Social action compaings are those direct action, like the example above, that aim to change decisions, social structure, and cultural beliefs.

The development model is a way to organize communities of places to accomplish a variety of community goals. The alinsky model is probably the most popular and involves a professional organizer. The organizer works with existing organizations in a community to identify common issues. The industrial areas foundation (IAF) model emphasizes the importance of intensive training of organizers. This model is a direct descendant of the alinsky model but emphasizes the importance of maintaining close ties with existing community organization.

Visioning as a future search, to establish a lomng-range view of a community. The term became popular in the 1990s, and many communities have used the technique to guide their future.  Many communities have found it useful to create multiple topical visions.
(Rissalatul Husniah 155040100111019)
Mapping of assets is a task for us who have ongoing goal is to recognize the skills and resources in the community. In addressing community surveys can be useful for identifying the planning process and / or improve the ideas or specific policy in the early stages which will enable the various organizations in the community to:
.Gather and information about public attitudes on issues, problems, or opportunities.
2.Determine  how the public rank the issues, problems and opportunities
3.Give  public a voice in determining the policies, objectives, and priorities
4.Determine  public support for the initiative
5.Evaluate  program and current policies
End speculations about "what people think" or "what people want".
 Survey community can also communicate important information about the attitudes and public opinion is focused only on the input.But this technique if done properly will enable a much wider range of people to participate than many other techniques of public participation.

(Octavia Arum B.L 155040100111020)
Public Participation
Society must be able to determine their own future. Is not confined to the decision of the local government, state agencies, etc. They need to participate actively in decision-making by state agencies in order to create the community development process as a whole. Using community participation in an effective and meaningful is something that is difficult for groups and organizations to determine who was involved. Can be done by selecting the community / group to represent them in decision-making aspirsai. Community participation can influence the decisions of organizations, institutions, etc.

Implementation and Evaluation
            Action in the development of the communities where changes occur and people can see real results. Individual and organizational development efforts include a common understanding about the future and shaping strategies to determine future action. Community at least has a vision and mission. A critical component to the development of society is monitoring and evaluation. Monitoring and evaluation are used to monitor and assess / correcting the changes that occur in society. The process of community development is that they can be difficult, time consuming, and expensive. Difficulties that may occur, for example, when many diverse interests do not find common ground. In making keputusa take a long time because it is not only a direct deliberation resulted in the decision. The cost of the process depends on the amount and type of public participation. In the long term, both the process and the results are an important part of community development.

Review Questions
1.      What is asset-based development, and why is it different from past approach?
Answer : Asset based development is an approach that concentrates on the creation of a profitable asset for the community, especially in poor neighborhoods in order to improve the quality of life. This differs from the approach masalalu because of differences in the conditions found on today.
(Rifkha Zulvani 155040100111015)

2.      Define the types of assets that a community may have.
            Answer :
       -physical capital: in the form of infrastructure and buildings
       -capital property: such as housing, land and field
       -social capital: ability to relate socially
       -cash money: money owned
(Andri Saputro 155040100111016)

3.      Name some of the steps in the process of community development and discuss their importance ?
Answer :
 -social preparation identification of potential, problems and needs
        -program planning
        -form and dynamics of the group
        -implementation of community programs
        -monitoring and evaluation
        -planning of follow-up

     The steps are very important because community could not flourish without careful planning as well as the       steps above.

(Slamet Raharjo Saputra 155040100111017)

4.      What is the importance of social relationship in community development?
Answer : Social relationships are very important in the development community, namely the existence of social relations, one can interact with other people to plan development within the community, especially the development in the agricultural sector.
(Rissalatul Husniyah 155040100111019)

5.      What are some challenges to community devepment?
Answer : Some of the challenges in the development community that the community itself has not been aware of the importance of participating actively in decision-making. Then there are still people who maintain traditional culture so that they are quite difficult to accept the development from outside.
(Octavia Arum 155040100111020)

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